Author Archives: Ensar Oud

Monster Projection & Heavenly Grace

Ensar buzzing on some old Cambodi wood

This weekend, I was invited to drop by the London residence of the Qatari royal family. His Highness had received the Melange Privee SQ, Royal Taifi, and a few of the special oils we have from the royal collection in Oman, and he had written a letter he was keen for me to receive. Or so I was given to understand…

Healing Water

I’m amazed at the stuff people rub on their skin. A quick glance at the list of ingredients makes you reel back in horror, as you wonder: ‘Why? How can you stand those things on your body?’ And, my God, the smell of those creams. We consume these perfumed and flavored creams and lotions daily. Big Pharma makes grand claims about […]

The End of Frankincense

“Concerted conservation and restoration efforts are urgently needed to secure the long-term availability of this iconic product.” – Nature, International Journal of Science.  “…That leaves overtapped trees that are weak and vulnerable to pests and early death before a new generation can replace them. Despite adult trees producing plenty of seeds, researchers seldom found any […]

What is Ambergris?

Find it on the beach and it’s like winning the lottery. Ambergris is one of the most expensive perfumery ingredients and a key component in many landmark perfumes. Despite this, many are clueless about its bizarre origin… Join Ensar Oud and Sheikh Ehab as they share the story of one of nature’s stranger gifts, where […]

The “Oud Note” Myth

Oud is not like coffee, where no matter which brew you’re tasting, you know you’re drinking coffee, not tea. Nor is it like any other essential oil. In a blind test, you could dish out Ta’if and Turkish rose. Folks might not be able to tell the difference, but they can still easily tell they’re smelling rose. South African vetiver might be richer than Haitian harvests, but in a blind test both are still clearly vetiver…