Rare, wild agarwood harvests from across the oud world.

$200$1,000 These are shavings from premium Brunei agarwood that was carved into a bangle that sells for $10,000+.  It’s a...see more >>
$75 We prepared these shavings while on a crazy trip to Vietnam in November 2019, right before you-know-what. On ou...see more >>
$99$390 Unlike much of the lacquered-to-perfection and otherwise enhanced second-rate stuff so readily available in the suq, these chips are absolutely saturated with complex resin tha...see more >>
$495$990 The scent of these chips sent me off into a frenzy. I’ve been derailed, spending days on days formulating a new perfume inspired by a whiff of Ceram—I’m still a long ways off ...see more >>
$150$450 The first time I put the tiniest sliver on the heater, I was expecting wafts of plumy twang or a darker shade of New Guinea filaria. I was even open for disappointment, as many have ...see more >>
$399$795 We wanted you to get a glimpse of our Private Blend: Maluku, so here is a bag of the grandaddy wood harvested from t...see more >>
$149$596 We collected the resin from the distillations of Borneo Kinam, White Kinam, Borneo 4000, Borneo Diesel, and ...see more >>
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